Jana Toom

Member of the European Parliament

“The Brussels Diary with Yana Toom”: Green Deal and Ida-Viru County

“The Brussels Diary with Yana Toom” is back. It is already evident that the new European Commission will not bore. Big changes are coming, including o...

Yana Toom in Politico: Where is this black hole where the Commission buries our initiative reports?

The Brussels newspaper Politico asked MEPs what they would do if they could write legislation. Among others Politico.eu publishes the answers of Yana ...

Yana Toom: Children of EU citizens who fought for ISIS must be brought home

MEP Yana Toom (Centre) has said that the children of European citizens in Syria and Iraq should be brought back to their home countries, Baltic News ...

Five of six Estonian MEPs supported confirmation of new European Commission

Five of Estonia's six elected MEPs stated ahead of Wednesday's vote that they intended to support the confirmation of the next European Commission in ...

Yana Toom: fighting Nord Stream 2 is rather odd

Estonian MEP Yana Toom told Russian media that blocking the construction of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline is unachievable. According to Yana Toom, ME...

e-Governance: the Estonian Case

European Science-Media Hub has published an article "e-Governance: the Estonian Case" by Rosanna Fanni. The article considers "e-Estonia, the world’s ...

Toom surprised EKRE voted with Centre on Estonian language bill

MEP Yana Toom, a member of the Centre Party's board, said it is noteworthy the Conservative People's Party of Estonia (EKRE) voted in the Riigikogu w...

Will Copyright Directive Destroy the Open Internet?

The international conference "Will Copyright Directive Destroy the Open Internet?" will be held in Tallinn, in Nordic Hotel Forum, on March 22nd. The ...

Estonian MEP Yana Toom: Article 13, or Internet copyright, is astonishingly dividing

The Baltic Times interviewed Estonian MEP Yana Toom on the topic of the infamous Article 13 of the Copyright Directive. The contentious draft of Artic...

Raw Politics: The US and Russia suspend landmark arms control treaty

In Raw Politics (Euronews) Estonian MEP Yana Toom discussed the suspension of the arms control treaty by US and Russia. "In a paradoxical way both US ...