Jana Toom

Member of the European Parliament

“The Brussels Diary With Yana Toom”: Relationship Between Europe And Russia Is Becoming More Complicated

The relationship between Europe and Russia is becoming more complicated by the day. Everything is entwined into one skein: Ukraine, Navalny, US sancti...

Yana Toom: Vaccination with non-EMA approved jabs might create obstacles

EU citizens vaccinated with non-EMA approved jabs might find more obstacles to travel within the bloc than Chinese and Russian tourists, Liberal MEP Y...

“The Brussels Diary With Yana Toom”: EU Would Work Better If Europe Had A Single Federal Government

Last Friday, Mart Helme of the Conservative People’s Party (EKRE) announced that he would form a group in the Parliament in support of Estonia’s exit ...

“The Brussels Diary With Yana Toom”: Why an American company is breaking into the European market

It is the second year of lockdowns in Europe, and the EU is disconcerted.The number of patients is growing. The vaccines are lacking. Not everyone wan...

“The Brussels Diary With Yana Toom”: Latvia, Russian-Language Schools And European Court Of Human Rights

In April, as sure as fate, our eternal topic of the changeover of kindergartens and schools to Russian-language instruction will become stirred up. On...

“The Brussels Diary With Yana Toom”: How To Ensure That Human Rights Are Actually Respected In The EU?

Last Thursday, a colleague of mine in Renew Europe, Pascal Durand, and I held a seminar (online, of course!) in which experts discussed a topic that...

“The Brussels Diary With Yana Toom”: Green Passports and "Not-Our" Vaccines

NB! According to the project of the European Commission, vaccines that are not approved by the European Medicines Agency can be included in the “green...

“The Brussels Diary With Yana Toom”: Estonia And Others Against EU Mobility Package

In August last year, the ‘mobility package’ came into force, which, in fact, is the transport sector reform of the EU.There was full-on warfare in the...

“The Brussels Diary With Yana Toom”: President's Speeches And European Values

For many years on Independence Day, when listening to the President’s speech, I think of European values. And it is not because she speaks of them. It...

MEP: Russian populace not sufficiently informed about COVID-19 vaccines

MEP Yana Toom (Center) says that there is a lack of media channels to inform Russian-speaking people in Estonia about the need and availability of cor...